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Zimbra Mail 2nd Generation

In ZCS (Zimbra Collaboration Suite) only the regular license is installed. For the Zimbra Collaboration Suite Environment only one zimbra license is sufficient.This license is installed on the Zimbra LDAP server. When you purchase, renew, or change the Zimbra license, you must update the Zimbra server with the new license information.
Use the Update License Wizard from the administration console’s Global Settings to upload and install a new license and to update an existing license, or you can install or update the license using the zmlicense CLI command.
Current license information, including the number of accounts purchased, the number of accounts used, and the expiration date, can be viewed from Global Settings, License tab in the administration console. From the administration console the Current license information, including the number of accounts purchased, the number of accounts used, and the expiration date, can be viewed from Global Settings, License tab.
The CLI command, zmlicense -, prints the license information, but does not show the number of accounts used. The number of accounts used is not shown, when the CLI command,zmlicense prints the license information.
The new accounts is not created, when the number of accounts created is equal to the number of accounts. The zimbra sales is contacted to purchase additional accounts or you can delete existing accounts.
The zimbra license must be renewed within 30 days of the expiration date. A reminder notice is placed, when you log on to the administration consol.
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